Исходный код pyqiwi.exceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .util import url_params

APICodes = {'400': [{'method_name': None, 'msg': 'Invalid request syntax (invalid format of data)'}],
            '401': [{'method_name': None, 'msg': 'Invalid or expired token'}],
            '404': [{'method_name': 'payment-history',
                     'msg': 'Transaction not found or no payments with specified params'},
                    {'method_name': ['funding-sources', 'person-profile', 'identification'],
                     'msg': 'Wallet not found'}],
            '423': [{'method_name': 'payment-history', 'msg': 'Too many requests, service is temporarily unavailable'}]}

[документация]class APIError(Exception): """ Ошибка в Qiwi API Attributes ---------- msg : str Сообщение ошибки method_name : str Название метода, вызванного при возникновении ошибки request : requests.Response Чистый ответ от сервера, полученный от requests response : str Текст выданный Qiwi API, без какой либо обработки method : str Метод вызванный на сервере Qiwi params : dict Параметры вызванного метода """ def __init__(self, msg, method_name, response=None): self.msg = msg self.method_name = method_name self.response = response.text self.request = response self.method = response.request.path_url self.params = url_params(response.request.url)
def find_exception_desc(status_code, method_name): basic_msg = None msg = None if str(status_code) in APICodes: for exc in APICodes[str(status_code)]: if isinstance(exc['method_name'], type(None)): basic_msg = exc['msg'] elif isinstance(exc['method_name'], str) and exc['method_name'] == method_name: msg = exc['msg'] elif isinstance(exc['method_name'], list): if method_name in exc['method_name']: msg = exc['msg'] else: continue if isinstance(basic_msg, type(None)) and not isinstance(msg, type(None)): return msg elif not isinstance(basic_msg, type(None)) and isinstance(msg, type(None)): return basic_msg return 'Unknown exception {0} in {1}'.format(status_code, method_name)